
What Families Say About Bridge

“I’d like to say how happy my husband and I have been with Bridge School over the years. Our oldest son is in his sixth year and our youngest is in first grade. Our boys are thriving. They love going to school, enjoy learning and feel confident taking on new challenges. In addition to strong science, math, language arts,  and other curriculum, Bridge School is invested in theater, music and the arts.

My kids connect deeply with their teachers and the community – and due to the small size, everyone knows each other and respects one another’s individuality. The kids at Bridge enjoy lots of fresh air and outdoor time – whether in an outdoor classroom setting, through the Nordic ski program or simply learning through imaginative and collaborative play. They look forward to Bridge School’s traditions – and feel personally invested in them.

If you’ve ever wondered about Bridge, you should take a look. It’s making all the difference in my children’s formative years. If cost is a factor, you should know that more than half of Bridge School students receive some level of scholarship.”

“One morning, my 7-year old son woke up and exclaimed, “Mama, I learned about mindfulness at school yesterday! I want to do it every morning. Can I show you?” He led me through a meditative deep breathing exercise. When I finished he said, “don’t you feel so much better? Can I teach you about mindful eating now? Let’s get some raspberries and try it!” I am so grateful to Bridge School for teaching important life skills like mindfulness. The power of these types of lessons to guide balance throughout life cannot be underestimated.”

“My grandson has been going through a tough time, and the Bridge School community has been a fundamental part of creating a nurturing and supportive network. Noticing that he was feeling out of sorts one day, a school administrator gave him the job of caring for Rosebush, a turtle that is so much more than a school mascot. My grandson had a new sense of purpose and a happy distraction from the challenges he has been facing. He could not wait to get to school each day to care for Rosebush. I am so thankful for a community that supports each child, and builds their resiliency through positive practices.”

“I came into Bridge School to pick up my kindergarten daughter.  From the raucous in the gym I surmised where she was.  However, much to my surprise and more than a little trepidation, I found her running at full tilt playing tag…with the fifth and sixth grade boys.  She is not only a kindergartner, but she’s the tiniest person in the school.  These boys were easily twice her size! Yet, I quickly realized, each of the boys was looking out for her; making sure she was safe and having a good time.  They were all having a good time. Bridge School encourages this type of integration and inclusivity, and I was delighted to see my daughter thriving in this situation.”

One Teacher’s Story

“Throughout the school, I see beaming smiles and a generation of highly engaged students who delight in learning.  They gravitate to subjects they love, and classes they know nothing about. Their keen interest and enthusiasm is unlike anything I’ve seen at other schools where I’ve taught.”

“Recently, a young boy burst into my classroom during my planning period and exclaimed: “Can I tell you something cool about Tanzania?!” Then his friends overheard and a chorus of stories about African countries unfolded. In another class, a child relished the opportunity to develop his debate skills and counter an outside article about “why milk is bad.” And, sometimes it’s the simple things, like morning disco, that spark joy. Seeing a boy who loves to dance let loose with his backpack dance, as his peers learn his moves and laugh along with him. Bridge School is a place of creativity and passion – whether learning an academic subject or connecting with inner joy.”